Benefits of pomegranate

What are the benefits of pomegranate ?
The pomegranate fruit is one of the most beneficial fruits for the body and health, because it contains a high nutritional value of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and plant compounds that are rarely found in other fruits and foods.
The pomegranate fruit has a thick, inedible peel, but the pomegranate pulp contains hundreds of hard or soft seeds surrounded by red watery grains known as Aril, from which pomegranate juice can be prepared or added to the diet in various ways to take advantage of the benefits. pomegranate.
The nutritional value of pomegranate
A serving of pomegranate equal to 100 grams contains the following nutrients:
Calories: 83 calories.
Fat: 1.2 grams, of which 0.1 grams is saturated fat.
Carbohydrates: 19 grams.
Fiber: 4 grams.
Sugars: 14 grams.
Protein: 1.7 grams.
Sodium: 3 mg.
Water: 77.93 grams.
Also, one serving of pomegranate (100 grams) contains a group of minerals and vitamins important to the body, including:
Vitamin B9 (folate): 38 micrograms, equivalent to 10% of the daily requirement for the body.
Vitamin C: 10.2 mg, equivalent to 11% of the daily need for the body.
Vitamin K: 16.4 micrograms, which is equivalent to 14% of the daily need for the body.
Calcium: 10 mg, which is equivalent to 1% of the daily need for the body.
Iron: 0.30 mg, equivalent to 2% of the daily need for the body.
Copper: 0.158 mg, equivalent to 18% of the daily need for the body.
Magnesium: 12 mg, equivalent to 3% of the daily need for the body.
Potassium: 236 mg, equivalent to 5% of the daily need for the body.
Selenium: 0.5 micrograms, equivalent to 1% of the daily need for the body.
Pomegranate fruits also contain two plant compounds that have many health and therapeutic benefits, namely:
Punicalagins are powerful antioxidants that have three times the antioxidant activity of green tea, and are mainly found in pomegranate juice and peel.
Punicic acid, a type of linoleic acid with strong biological effects, is the main fatty acid in the fruit, and is found in pomegranate seed oil.
Benefits of pomegranate for the body
Among the most prominent benefits of pomegranate for health and the body are the following:
Reduce the risk of cancer
Pomegranate is one of the fruits rich in powerful antioxidants and flavonoids, which play a major role in fighting free radicals that are harmful to cells. There are many studies on the benefits of pomegranate for the prevention of cancer.
A study published in 2017 entitled Pomegranate for Prevention and Treatment of Cancer indicated that the pomegranate showed anti-inflammatory and anti-tumor properties by modifying the pathways of some multiple signals in the body, and had an effect in slowing the reproduction of cancer cells. cancer cells.
That is why the pomegranate fruit in all its parts can have a promising use as a preventive and therapeutic agent for cancer, especially prostate cancer, breast cancer, lung cancer, and colon cancer.
Prevention of heart disease and arteries
Pomegranate helps lower bad cholesterol and fats in the arteries, which is a major risk factor for heart disease. Where a study that lasted for 4 weeks, including 51 people with high triglycerides, showed that the use of 800 mg of pomegranate seed oil per day helped to significantly reduce the percentage of triglycerides.
Also, pomegranate contains punicic acid, which helps maintain heart health by maintaining blood flow and protecting arteries from hardening.
Reducing blood pressure
Drinking pomegranate juice daily can help lower high blood pressure, especially systolic blood pressure. It is the highest number in the pressure reading, as a result of the antioxidant properties of pomegranate and its benefits in reducing the risk factors for atherosclerosis.
Also read: Benefits of pomegranate juice
Contribute to the treatment of arthritis
The distinctive plant compounds in pomegranate fruits have an anti-inflammatory effect, and pomegranate extract was found to have a role in combating enzymes that cause joint damage, and it was proven in laboratory studies on mice that pomegranate extract reduced arthritis. However, more studies and evidence based on clinical trials are needed.
Maintaining dental health
The plant compounds in pomegranate help fight some types of bacteria and the yeast Candida albicans, which is why pomegranate has a protective role against infections and diseases of the gums and periodontium.
Also, the benefits of pomegranate in fighting bacteria and its antioxidant properties help reduce the formation of plaques on the teeth.
Read also: the benefits of pomegranate molasses
Benefits of pomegranate for weight loss
Eating pomegranate does not help in losing weight directly, but pomegranate is considered one of the healthy options to include in a healthy diet for the following reasons:
Its low calories, along with its high nutritional value.
It contains compounds that promote metabolism in the body, such as polyphenols and linolenic acid.
It contains fiber that helps you feel full for a longer time, and thus eat less food.
Benefits of pomegranate for children
The pomegranate fruit is one of the fruits full of benefits, and for this reason it is one of the ideal options to offer it to the child, and among the distinctive benefits of pomegranate for children are the following:
Strengthening immunity.
Fighting bacterial infections, as the child is considered more susceptible to it.
Improve digestion and maintain digestive health.
Other benefits of pomegranate
There are many existing studies on the additional benefits of pomegranate, including:
Contribute to the treatment of erectile dysfunction in men.
Improve memory and prevent Alzheimer's.
Improving sports performance, because pomegranate contains nitrates that improve blood flow.
Preventing anemia and reducing its symptoms, such as fatigue and dizziness, because it contains the iron needed to make healthy red blood cells.
Maintaining the freshness of the skin, because it contains vitamin C and antioxidants.
Slowing the aging of skeletal muscles, by converting the ellagitannin compound found in pomegranates into Urolithin-A, which has a role in reducing the process of losing muscle mass with age.
For more: the benefits of pomegranate for pregnant women
Pomegranate damage
Despite the many benefits of pomegranate, it can cause some side effects for some groups or when consumed excessively. Among the harms of pomegranate are the following:
Pomegranate damage
Despite the many benefits of pomegranate, it can cause some side effects for some groups or when consumed excessively. Among the harms of pomegranate are the following:
Allergies, as although allergies to pomegranates are not common, some people may be exposed to them, and allergies may occur due to various parts of pomegranates, whether peels, seeds, or dried pomegranates. Symptoms include difficulty breathing, itching, and swelling.
Low blood pressure, especially in people who have low blood pressure or take medications to lower blood pressure.
Interaction with medicines, as pomegranate juice has a similar effect to grapefruit juice, which has different interactions with medicines, and therefore it is recommended that if you take one of the types of medicines, consult a doctor about its interaction with pomegranate fruit. Examples of medicines that should be used with caution and consult a doctor before taking them with pomegranate include:
Cholesterol-lowering drugs from the group of statins (in English: Statins).
Blood clotting drugs, such as warfarin, because pomegranate contains vitamin K.
How to buy and store pomegranates
The pomegranate fruit season extends from the end of summer to the beginning of winter. To choose a ripe pomegranate, it is recommended that the outer skin of a leathery texture be solid and have a light red to dark red color, and have a heavy weight in relation to its size.
But if the color of the outer pomegranate peel tends to be brown, this means that the fruit has passed its ripening time, but it remains edible unless it shows signs of damage such as bruises and mold.
After purchasing pomegranate fruits, it is recommended to store them at room temperature and away from direct sunlight. They can be kept in the refrigerator inside a plastic bag for up to 3 months without removing the outer peel.
After opening the skin and extracting the pomegranate seeds, they must be kept in the refrigerator and consumed within 5 days, or they can be frozen for 12 months.
Coming soon:
Benefits of pomegranate peel
Benefits of pomegranate peel for the vagina