Fennel useful for digestive problems heartburn, intestinal gas, bloating

Fennel, often known as Foeniculum vulgare. It's a bulbous perennial with long stems and plenty of leaves. Fennel produces grey, ridged seeds as its fruit.
This wild plant, native to the Mediterranean region, has been consumed for ages for its aniseed flavor and medicinal benefits. Learn about the health advantages of fennel in all of its forms.
Fennel, a good plant for your health
Wild fennel seed tea is used in phytotherapy. After infusing for a few minutes in hot water, the essential oil from the seeds is released, giving off a herbal fragrance. Inhaling and sipping the beverage provides health benefits.
Fennel seed infusions for the respiratory system
With the lack of vitamins or fatigue, your immune system weakens in winter. If you have a cold or cough, you can drink infusions of fennel seeds. It will help your body defend itself and clear your airways thanks to its expectorant effect. To reap the benefits of fennel, inhale the scent of the essential oil for a few minutes.
Using fennel infusion to combat inflammation
Among the virtues of fennel tea are its anti-inflammatory properties. The infusion is said to help relax muscles and relieve pain. Studies show effects on uterine cramps and discomfort during menstruation. In men, fennel seed infusion is said to relieve pain caused by scrotal hernia.

Description of the plant:
Fennel is one of the annual herbaceous plants that lives for one year and then renews. The height of the plant reaches approximately half a meter, and it has a thin and ribbed stem, and long branches, from which round, serrated leaves emerge, and at the end of the branches there are small oval flowers, White in color, with a shrunken head, and after its ripening, these flowers become brown fruits.
The part that is used in the Fennel seed plant is its fruit, and its scientific name is "Pimpinella anisum", and it belongs to the umbrella family, and it has many names such as: sweet cumin, or alancon, or as the Moroccans call it sweet seed, and in the regions of the Levant it is called anise, and the habitat The origin of the seed of comfrey may not be known, but it is said that it was mostly found in Egypt by archaeologists in some eastern cemeteries of the desert in the city of Thebes. estrogen, and volatile oils
What are fennel seeds?
Fennel seeds are the fruits of the plant. They are the main source of the plant's medicinal properties, which have been known to mankind since Antiquity. Indeed, the use of fennel as a medicinal plant began with the physicians of ancient Greece, and was taken up by the Romans. It then spread to the Middle East, and then throughout Asia. Fennel then became a classic in other world medicines, such as Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and Ayurvedic medicine.

Fennel and its benefits
Some studies have shown that fennel seeds contain a compound called anethole, which causes significant changes in the levels of estrogen, a female reproductive hormone that is involved in pregnancy and lactation. Fennel participates with similar herbs such as anise and licorice in the process of increasing milk production, relieves menstrual pain and facilitates childbirth. And this is one of the benefits that fennel provides to pregnant women. It is preferable to use fennel under the supervision of a doctor to increase safety, because its frequent use can lead to premature birth, and fennel tea can be taken for lactating women after childbirth due to the abundance of milk production in the breasts, but also it must be used in a reasonable quantity because using it in large quantities will come. Backfire of breast milk.
Fennel benefits for children
Fennel is one of the herbs useful for treating colic in children, and it also treats problems that occur in the digestive system because it facilitates the digestion process. You can use fennel tea by adding a teaspoon of fennel seeds to a cup of boiling water. Dr. Brigitte Mars, an expert in nutrition and herbs, referred to his recipe for treating colic in children, which is to take two tablespoons of a herb called valerian, and take two tablespoons of mint, one of chamomile, and one of fennel, and mix them in water and put them on the fire until boiling, then the child drinks them, and the colic will go away from him, God willing. .

Great benefits of fennel herb :
Few of us are aware of the benefits of fennel and its health benefits, as it is rich in volatile oils, vitamins, fiber, and organic acids. It has been widely used in alternative or folk medicine since ancient times.
Fennel has many uses, and all its parts can be used, starting with the onion, passing through the leaves, and ending with the stem. It is consumed fresh by adding it to salads and various food dishes. It gives it a delicious flavor, or it is cooked by steaming or boiling, taking care to add small amounts of oil, or some other herbs to improve its flavor, and it can also be eaten in the form of juice, where fruit juice is added to it.
Seed plant, the benefits of comfrey, is common in the name of anise, and it is one of the annual herbaceous plants that lives for one year and then regenerates. The height of the plant reaches approximately half a meter. It has a thin, ribbed stem and long branches, from which round, serrated leaves emerge. At the end of the branches there are small oval flowers, white in color, with a shrunken head, and after its ripening. These flowers become brown fruits.
The part that is used in the Passbass seed plant is its fruits and its scientific name is “Pimpinella anisum” and it belongs to the umbrella family and has many names such as: sweet cumin or alancon or as the Moroccans call it the sweet seed. Known, but it is said that it was mostly found in Egypt by archaeologists in some eastern cemeteries of the desert in the city of Thebes. Fennel seed contains a compound of athenol, anise aldehyde, estragole, and caffeic acid, in addition to flavonoids, estrogens, and volatile oils.
Numerous studies have confirmed that this fruit helps in the treatment of many diseases, as it contains several compounds of volatile oils, including “anethole” and “finchone”, in which the therapeutic effect lies, as it helps relieve digestive problems, and moisturizes the soul. naturally
It also increases saliva production, which washes away bacteria, fights bad breath germs, and treats colds. There is also a recent study, according to which this fruit helps to rebalance fluid levels in the body, purify the respiratory system, treat irritable bowel syndrome and relieve intestinal and stomach pain, kidney and bladder pain.
It should be noted that breastfeeding mothers are advised to eat Fennel, as it increases milk production, calms and helps sleep if added to baby food.
There are many recent studies indicating that yarrow is useful in preventing cancer.
The "Biochemical" research journal has published that it prevents lung cancer, and that it returns the prostate gland to its normal size, and all symptoms disappear and the urination process is regular.
Also, the use of its products reduces the amount of evidence of prostate cancer to the normal extent. In addition, its seed oil increases the power of intelligence and mental vitality.
Medical scientists have discovered a new substance in it that has a great effect on stimulating the brain and developing the brain convolutions, so German scientists decided to accustom pupils and students to more eating this rich and useful fruit in their meals.
There is also a Chinese study indicating that eating vigilance gives an opportunity for patients with type 1 diabetes to take daily insulin injections or reduce them because this type of diabetes occurs as a result of an imbalance in the coffee cells