The nutritional value of sesame seeds and their health effects

Sesame seeds are extracted from the sesame plant (Sesamum indicum), which is cultivated in tropical or subtropical regions of the world, including Asia, Africa, and South America.
The sesame seeds are small in size and have a golden brown color, but the sesame seeds can be peeled and sold as they are, in which case the color of the sesame seeds will be off-white. Peeled sesame seeds can also be sold after roasting, which will have the color brown.
Sesame seeds can be used in various food dishes, and they can also be used to extract sesame seed oil or to prepare sesame tahini, after grinding the sesame seeds.
Sesame nutritional value
Sesame seeds are food with high nutritional value, as they are rich in many nutrients important for the health of the body. The nutritional content of hulled sesame seeds may differ from that of pre-hulled sesame seeds.
The following table shows the nutritional value of peeled and unpeeled sesame seeds:
Nutrient 1 ounce of unhulled sesame seeds 1 ounce of peeled sesame seeds
Fiber | 3.4 grams | 2.8 grams |
Protein | 4.8 gr | 5.7 gr |
Carbohydrates | 7.3 gr | 3.8 gr |
Fat | 13.6 gr | 17 gr |
Sesame calories
Calories in peeled sesame seeds differ from calories in unpeeled sesame seeds. One ounce of peeled sesame seeds contains 189 calories, while the same amount of unpeeled sesame seeds contains 160 calories.
carbohydrates in sesame
Sesame seeds are sugar-free and most of their carbohydrates are in the form of dietary fiber. Sesame seeds can provide an individual with a good percentage of his daily need for dietary fiber. Three tablespoons of sesame seeds (30 grams) provide the body with 3.5 grams of fiber, which is equivalent to 12% of the daily fiber requirement.
fat in sesame
Sesame seeds are rich in fats, but you do not need to worry about them, as most of these fats are unsaturated fats, which are healthy for the body and of great benefit. One ounce (28.35) of unhulled sesame seeds contains 5.9 grams of polyunsaturated fat and 5.1 grams of monounsaturated fat.
As for the remaining percentage of fat in sesame seeds, it is saturated fat. One ounce of unpeeled sesame seeds contains only 1.9 grams of these fats.
Sesame seeds are also free of cholesterol and unhealthy trans fats.
Vitamins and minerals in sesame
When talking about the nutritional content of sesame seeds, it must also be mentioned that they are also rich in many vitamins and minerals.
The difference between regular sesame and black sesame
There are two types of sesame available in the market, the first is the usual white or off-white type, and the second type is black. There is a difference between these types of sesame, as they differ in terms of nutritional value. For example, black sesame seeds have stronger antioxidant properties than white sesame seeds.
Also, black sesame seeds have a slightly stronger taste compared to white sesame seeds.
The benefit of sesame seeds
Because they contain many nutrients, sesame seeds are of great benefit to the body, as they contribute to maintaining the various organs of the body and reduce the risk of many diseases and health problems.
The benefits of sesame seeds for the body include:
Reducing cholesterol levels in the blood.
Reducing high blood pressure.
Maintaining heart health and reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease or stroke.
Supporting bone and joint health, sesame seeds can contribute to reducing osteoporosis and treating arthritis.
Reducing the risk of type 2 diabetes, and reducing sugar levels in diabetics.
Reducing the risk of various types of cancer.
Reducing the risk of anemia.
Maintaining brain health and reducing the risk of Alzheimer's and other neurodegenerative diseases.
Maintaining the functions of the immune system and protecting the body from various types of infectious diseases caused by bacteria or fungi.
Maintaining dental health and reducing the appearance of plaque on them.
Supporting thyroid health and maintaining normal hormone levels.
For more: What are the health and aesthetic benefits of sesame?
Do sesame seeds gain weight?
Sesame seeds contain a good percentage of calories, and more than 70% of the calories in sesame seeds come from fats, so eating them too much can cause an individual to gain weight.
Therefore, it is usually recommended to eat moderate amounts of sesame seeds to avoid consuming too many calories per day and the associated weight gain.
Sesame seed damage
In addition to the fact that sesame seeds increase weight, the harms of sesame can also include:
Sesame allergy
Sesame allergy is one of the most common allergies, as it is the ninth most common food allergy in the United States. Sesame allergy can cause many side effects in an individual, including:
a swollen throat
Feeling tight in the chest and difficulty breathing.
Skin redness and swelling.
Nausea and vomiting.
This harm can occur from the harms of sesame, whether by eating the sesame seeds themselves, or eating the products that contain them, or the oil extracted from them.
Also read: The nutritional value of sesame paste and its harms
Sesame seeds can cause symptoms in some, but not all, people with diverticulitis. In the event that they cause this, it is important for the individual to consult a doctor, and it is also advised to limit his intake of sesame seeds and their products.
Drug interactions
The possible harms of sesame also include the possibility of causing some drug interactions when taken with some types of medicines. One of the most famous drug interactions of sesame seeds is its interaction with tamoxifen, which is used to treat breast cancer.
Therefore, a doctor should be consulted before consuming large amounts of sesame seeds if the patient is taking any of the different types of medications.
Finally, sesame seeds are considered to have a high nutritional value, due to the fact that they contain a good percentage of fiber and healthy fats, and they are also rich in calcium, copper, B vitamins, and other vitamins and minerals. It is usually advised to get the benefits of sesame seeds to eat them in moderate quantities, as they can cause weight gain when you eat them a lot. It is important to consult a doctor before consuming sesame seeds in the event of suffering from a type of food allergy or diverticulitis, or if the individual is taking medications and nutritional supplements.