Thyme is a powerful anti-inflammatory

Thyme is a greyish-green perennial with a strong fragrance.
Stems: Woody, tortuous, quadrangular, greyish-green or dark red. They are erect and branched, 10 to 30 cm high, with many leaves.
Leaves: 4 mm to 12 mm long, stalk about 2 mm wide, sessile or short. The leaves are pointed, very small, opposite, linear and narrow. Both sides are covered with grey or greenish-grey hairs. The central vein is depressed on the adaxial surface and very prominent on the abaxial surface. This aromatic plant releases its essential oil through pores on the surface of its small leaves.

Thyme plant in the wild
Definition of wild thyme
A common wild plant with a distinctive aroma that is used as a kind of flower or spice. It belongs to the Labiatae family. It is considered one of the most powerful antiseptics and bactericides.
The Latin scientific name for the genus of this plant, Origanum, is derived from the Greek ‘oras’ meaning (mountain) and ‘ganos’ meaning (joyful or joyful).
Ancient Arab physicians used this plant to treat a wide range of diseases, and it was considered to have a dry, hot temperament. Its uses included its use as a remedy for most poisons, wind and colic. For this reason, it was included in the composition of various laxatives.
It is used cooked with figs to treat asthma, cough and shortness of breath, and with celery water for stones and dysuria or to relieve bloating after heavy meals, expel worms, increase appetite, irritate dullness, and treat jaundice. It is used topically with honey to relieve women's pain, joint pain, hips and back pain.
Benefits of wild thyme
- Thyme helps treat whooping cough, bronchitis, asthma, and phlegm.
It helps to facilitate the exit of bronchial mucus, so it calms and soothes the airways. Where he drinks boiled thyme from it and also uses its oil to grease the chest before going to sleep. - Thyme strengthens the immune system, strengthens muscles, prevents hardening of the arteries, and strengthens the muscles of the heart
Thyme is a pain reliever, antiseptic and blood circulation tonic
Thyme treats infections of the urinary tract and bladder, cures renal colic, and lowers cholesterol - Thyme helps expel gases from the stomach and prevent fermentation. It also helps digestion and absorption of nutrients.
Repellent for fungi and parasites such as amebiasis that causes dysentery, and a killer of microbes because it contains carvacrol. - Thyme is considered an astringent plant, as it treats cases of diarrhea. It is preferable to take thyme with olive oil.
- Thyme contains antioxidants.
- Eating thyme with olive oil is very useful for strengthening memory, speedy extraction of stored information, and ease of absorption.
Thyme helps revitalize the skin of the head and prevent and intensify precipitation. - Thyme is also useful in toothache and gingivitis, especially if cooked with cloves. Rinsing is recommended
It is cold, and it also protects the teeth from decay, especially if it is chewed while it is green. - Thyme treats sore throat, throat and trachea.
Helps the body to sweat in cases of heat and diseases.
Thyme is mixed with ointment to be used in the treatment of warts.
It is used in the manufacture of perfumes, cosmetics, soaps and deodorants. It is also used in the embalming of the dead - It is used to preserve meat, and it is included in seasoning it when grilling.
It is used in cases of psoriasis, eczema, and treatment of skin burns, and it is considered a mosquito repellent for the skin. - It is used to treat diabetics.
- Stimulates vision and prevents eye dryness and glaucoma.
- It works to purify the blood when drinking a decoction of thyme with honey on an empty stomach daily.
Useful in dissolving kidney stones (100 grams of thyme with hops and fifty grams of corn hair, mix together, take a spoonful of the mixture, boil and sweeten with honey) drink three times a day.
Wild thyme drink method
The flowering thyme veins and leaves are boiled with water and drunk (like tea), by eating a decoction of thyme herb at a rate of half a spoonful for each cup of boiling hot water with a spoonful of honey, and the patient takes one to three cups of thyme tea per day for several days.
Thyme is used whenever there is a need to clean and purify wounds, sores and the vagina in the event that white gonorrhea appears. Thyme is also used as an external medicine, as it relaxes the tired nerves, and if one takes a fragrant bath from a strong boil of thyme, it has a great benefit.
Also, children with rickets find in it a successful tonic, which is very effective, as a sedative for rheumatic pain, gout and arthritis. It makes it possible to prepare fortified baths that are frequently recommended for comical children, and adding (50) grams of thyme to four liters of water and bathing with it removes general fatigue and relieves rheumatism, joint pain and sciatica. his growth.